Tuesday, October 20th, 2015
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Host Derek Coward talks about some of the recent cancellation announcements for science fiction shows that usually air in the summer.

Tags: Continuum, Dark Matter, Defiance, Dominion, haven, Killjoys
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Wednesday, July 28th, 2010
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For his 800th podcast episode, Host Derek Coward takes a look at the TV shows Eureka, Warehouse 13 and Haven. NOTE: after recording, he found out that while he timeshifts the shows, they are NOT shown in one solid block of programming on Friday. Oops.
Tags: eureka, haven, warehouse 13
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Monday, July 19th, 2010
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Host Derek Coward has a hard time sleeping so he gets up early one morning and talks about his definition of scifi vs science fiction and its place in naming the show, how the future of hard science fiction sneaks up on all of us, his one time appreciation for Michael Crichton and why it stopped, why he won’t talk about horror, zombie stuff or fantasy on the show, how Anne McCaffrey screwed him up, Lost, independent film productions on the web, what he has been watching, the kind of shows he doesn’t like, why he will be using trope as opposed to convention, how he would attack the Earth (specifically the USA) using an alien armada and gives some quick thoughts on Farscape Seasons 2 and 3 before going over some show feedback.
Here is the link to Pioneer One: http://vodo.net/pioneerone
They also have a Kickstarter page, which you can follow: http://www.kickstarter.com/profile/pioneeronetv
Tags: 28 days later, anaconda, anne mccaffrey, babylon 5, battle beyond the stars, battlestar galactica, close encounters of the third kind, contact, doctor who, dragonriders of pern, dungeons and dragons, eureka, farscape, girls, haven, ice pirates, land of the lost, legend of the seeker, lionshare, lost, lost in space, pioneer one, red dawn, star trek, star wars, stargate: sg1, stargate: universe, the andromeda strain, the sword, v, warehouse 13, welcome to the scene
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